Oct 29, 2009

Basics of Composition

Digital cameras can automatically focus, determine the shutter speed, aperture values, white balance, sensitivity may even include a flash for you, when they light is scarce. Basically it can do anything to make a photograph technically good, but it can’t compose the shot for you. That is up to you. Therefore, the composition is one of the most important things in the picture. When we look at a picture, namely the composition sets our first impression, and only then we think about the idea of the author and the technical performance.

The rules for composing a picture are the same, as those for creation of a painting. Artists from long ago have discovered how to situate objects in their paintings to affect the audience as much as possible. In this respect, the masters of the brush are privileged, as they may change the shape, color, size and location of objects, even the prospect, while photographers must abide with realities. The only thing we can change is our perspective to the object and through the zoom expand or narrow the field of vision.

In most cases, composition is intuitive, but still in the process of shooting, we must learn to observe some basic rules to bring balance to the photo (or deliberately make it such that it is shocking for its disbalance) .

Of course, rules of composition are not dogma, they can be violated. But it is important to know them. Breaking them without knowing them is like not knowing how to play, but trying to do a jazz improvisation.

The basic rule is the rule of "golden mean". Mentally divide the frame into three vertical and horizontal parts. Where the dividing lines intersect are the most important points, you should place the main object in any of these points. In the photo with the pigeons, the author has almost achieved that: the object is in one of the points and the leading lines (the horizon and the iron sticks) merge with the dividing lines in the frame. Repeated identical elements create a sense of rhythm, symmetry and balance in the picture.
photography beginner tips
Look for natural leading lines in the frame. It may be a path, a river, an area illuminated by the sun or a deep shade etc.. Stand in such an angle that the leading lines point to the basic object in the picture.

Search for human presence in the frame. One building, a tree, rock or a lake, they themselves are very beautiful, but only human presence may give an indication of their size.

Choose simple, monochrome backgrounds, that contrast with the main object . Look for contrasting and opposite colors.

Avoid vertical frames, do not rotate the camera if not essential. Naturally, there are cases in which there is nothing else to do but shoot the object in a vertical frame, but generally a horizontal frame is a lot better accepted. This is related to human anatomy - both our eyes, arranged horizontally, give us a vision - more in width than in height. It is connected with our habits of viewing – movie theatre, TV, computer screen, are still frames which are horizontally oriented.

Diagonal compositions, such as the one with the cat, are infuiencial and emotionally loaded. Do not hesitate to experiment by turning and tilting the digicam.
The foreground of the picture is something that is very important for the scale. When you have the opportunity, strive to include objects in the foreground of the photo - branch, stone or some detail out of focus. This creates a kind of framework and adds depth to the frame.

Follow the direction of movement of the object or the direction of human eyes in the picture. There should be more space in the frame in the direction of movement or the direction of the look.

Look for details and characters. A tree, twisted by the wind, can deliver much more of the place’s character than a picture of the whole place taken with a wide angle lens all. Avoid acting like tourists who stand in front of an object and then seal it in the center of the frame. Always look for something special, unconventional angle, so your photos will be more interesting for people who watch them.

Look for symmetry in the frame and repetitive elements. In this photo, for example, the author saw three soldiers with hats and three rocks with hats.
photoshop tutorials


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